Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is "reality"?

Reality is not something I consider universal. Everyone has a different "reality" because no one person can know the entire truth of the world. So many falsehoods and rhetorics are put out by each person, that no one person can completely cut through to the truth or reality. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and so is reality. Reality is only what you believe to be real, and what you know of yourself. Reality is such a loosely used term, such as reality television. Besides the fact that I am completely convinced that Real Housewives of Orange County and Jerseylicious(yes that is a tv show) are scripted, people do not usually act like that, not reality. Reality is a picture of your own life that you have created in your head.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This is a picture of the structure and organization of the US government based on the Constitution. I found a chart similar to this in a textbook first semester, and recalled it when I read the assignment. I chose it because I find it interesting, and a great way of organizing. The chart is horizontal and and fairly small. It simply breaks down the US government and makes looking at an incredibly complex system fairly strait forward, found this chart useful in lower school and still do in my classes in College!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Exploring Richmond... From My Couch

Instead of physically taking a walk for this assignment... I have chosen to take a virtual one. Unable to remove myself from the couch without risking falling asleep in public due to my recent surgery, I decided to research the historic Monument Avenue from my couch. Monument avenue goes through the old part of downtown Richmond, and is lined with statues. I chose to write about the statue of Robert E Lee. Robert E Lee is known for commanding the Confederate army of Northern Virginia during the civil war, and for successfully commanding the Confederate army through battles such as the second battle of Bull Run and the battle of the Wilderness. The statue depicts Robert E Lee upon horseback on a large base, which puts him very high off the ground. The statue expresses Robert E Lee's importance by making him so high off the ground, because he was such an important war figure to Virginia and the rest of the south. The statue is also very old and weathered, which shows the history of this important monument. The statue expresses the rich history of Richmond, Virginia as well as the importance of the commander Robert E Lee.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Paper Questions:

Is the death penalty an ethical means of justice?

Who deserves the death penalty? Juveniles? Adults?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Comparing Websites

The website above is called Blipdar, formerly known as Collegeacb. This website sucks because not only is it poorly organized, but it is also mean. This website is used to gossip and anonymously say hurtful things about fellow students, which does not exactly promote a happy campus. Many people are hurt by what is said on this site and only very rarely is something nice or helpful said in the messages it contains. This website sucks because it hurts so many people and is completely unnecessary, and it should be deactivated.

This website, free rice, is great because not only is it mentally stimulating and fun, but it benefits hungry children around the world. Also the design of the website is very pleasing, there is so much to like about this website. I first logged on for fun SAT review my sophomore year of high school, and it is incredibly addicting. This website is so much better than blipdar because it helps people who are hungry. People should spend their time on websites like this rather than gossip sites like blipdar.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thank You Harry!

I chose to write about a recent cover of Entertainment Weekly which depicts 11 year old Daniel Radcliffe on the cover. The cover corresponds to an article saying farewell to Harry after 8 movies. The words "Thank You Harry" make it clear that the article is a fond recap of what Harry has brought to the world in the past decade, which has been alot. Daniel Radcliffe states that "Harry Potter has given me everything, and I suspect it will continue to bring me much for years to come.", this is one example of the Harry Potter films touching people's lives, and as the cover suggests, he sure will be missed. The Harry Potter films greatly transformed from their origins, when first put on the producer's desk he thought it was "rubbish". However, the actors grew and developed, as did the films and the final Harry Potter that was released not even a week ago is its product. The cover shows Harry back in his 11 year old form to make people look back at the beginning, and say a final farewell to Harry.

Jensen, Jeff. "So Long, Harry." Entertainment Weekly 8 July 2011: n. pag. Print. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cited Sources:

Bedau, Hugo Adam. The Death Penalty in America: Current Controversies`. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Google Books. Web. 19 July 2011. < U7Nx-lwlaQAC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false>.
Guernsey, Joann Bren. Death Penalty: Fair Solution or Moral Failure? Minneapolis, MN: Lerner 
Publishing Group, 2010. Print. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Research Paper

For my research topic I wanted to evaluate the death penalty in our country. I personally believe that we should use the death penalty in our country. In addition to providing justice for what heinous crimes those criminals commit, it also prevents further crimes from happening. Criminals that would receive the death penalty are a danger to our country that need to be removed, and using the death penalty would permanently remove the threat which they pose to our society. Also the cost which supports prisoners for life sentences is wasted money that could be spent elsewhere. Prisoners that receive life sentences that could receive the death penalty take government money away from people who actually deserve it, and need it. With our debt increasing every day, it seems as though the death penalty is a great option to reduce government spending. There are many reasons why the death penalty should be used more frequently, it is a good way to seek justice and I will prove how it would benefit American society.

Research Paper

For my research topic I wanted to discuss why we should use the death penalty, and disprove common reasons people use against it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Writing Is *Not* Easy

Writing is a very difficult process for me, analyzing details is something that has never come natural to me expressed in a word document. For my most recent paper I first brainstormed what I would write about, then spent a day outlining and beginning my paper. I wrote three pages, which I then deleted because they were not very clear. To draw words out of me is a bit like pulling teeth, which I need a diet coke, classical music, and candy for. I need good college eats for a struggling college student, and a late night at the library. I consider myself somewhat of a night owl, especially when big assignments roll around. I've been known to spend two nights in the library at school a week when the work piles on, something about sunlight doesn't do it for me. I am also that girl at the library who will stare you down until you stop talking or ruffling your potato chip bag, and not be embarrassed about it. I need a spacious table with an available outlet to write, and also a big coffee for breaks. For every paper I write, I make about three different outlines and still have room for improvement. My writing tends to be very scattered, so outlining is a way I stay on task. The overdone outlining is my fault, but I blame the need of candy on my mother. When I was younger she used to break open a bag of skittles and quiz me for upcoming tests, and for the answers I got right I was rewarded with candy. From a young age I was taught that sugar and studying go together, although this is not necessarily a healthy habit. My house is crazy and loud, there is always something on, but somehow I usually manage to get over this and pull some teeth out, or write a paper.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Skittles and Plagiarism

I have never, and will never plagiarize. I believe that claiming another's work as your own is huge problem people face in today's society because of the internet. It is not only illegal, but a moral issue that needs to be taken seriously. From a young age I was taught that cheating and plagiarism are bad and just like stealing anything else. I went to a school with a student run honor council and pledge, so I do take cheating very seriously. I was raised opposed to cheating and I do hold myself to that standard as to not cheat and I believe its a crucial insight to a person’s character.

  • Red bag
  • White writing
  • Rainbow coming out of the “i”
  • Trademark symbol after the s
  • Spiky sides
  • Green skittles, red skittles, orange skittles, purple skittles
  • Smaller logo on the back
  • Nutrition facts look weird, they are green
  • First two ingredients are sugar and corn syrup
  • Barcode on the back
  • Wrigley Jr Company
  • White corners
  • Asks you to throw away your trash
  • There is a skittles facebook
  • 240 Calories
  • Letters have some blue
  • Beach scene on the front

Saturday, July 9, 2011


The American Crocodile is a very large animal that habitates North America. Weighing in up to four-hundred and fifty pounds and measuring up to fifteen feet, crocodiles are pretty dangerous animals. Despite their feared reputation, Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures. Crocodiles are beautiful creatures, and their power only makes them more fascinating. 

The American Crocodile is a very large animal that habitates North America. Weighing in up to four-hundred and fifty pounds and measuring up to fifteen feet, crocodiles are dangerous and scary creatures. In addition to being a swimming hazard, Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures. Crocodiles are often in cartoons because they are so silly looking, and even portray evil characters in some. I think the way they walk is silly because their arms are so stubby, so in addition to being scary looking, they are also very ugly and silly.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Pepsi Light Advertisement

This advertisement is an example of pathos rhetoric. It appeals to the reader through their emotions and attraction to the woman. The saying "sex sells" is an example of pathos, because it describes the way the reader feels. This advertisement not only sells to its reader through the attractive woman, but also loose assumptions that this drink will make you "sexy" as well. By calling it a sexy drink, it makes the reader believe that it will make them sexy. The can is even displayed like a perfume bottle, further convincing the reader that their product is "sexy".

This advertisement simply communicates to the reader: "Pepsi makes you sexy, you should buy it." This is communicated through the woman, the perfume-like can of pepsi, and the words above it calling it a "sexy drink". This product isn't sold purely for taste, it is sold to people who care about their physical appearance, which this advertisement specifically entails to.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

About Myself:

My name is Dottie Grover, I am going into my second year and am currently an undeclared major. I am from Richmond, Virginia and have an older sister and a younger brother. I used to play field hockey and ride horses, but now I just run. I have loved animals since I was a child and even considered the AVS major at Clemson, but am still undecided. In the picture above I am on the right, and my best friend from high school, Janie, is with me. I have been friends with Janie since I was five years old and she is like family to me, but goes to school in Tennessee so I do not get to see her. I loved my first year at Clemson, and cannot wait to get back and for football season to start!