Friday, July 8, 2011

Pepsi Light Advertisement

This advertisement is an example of pathos rhetoric. It appeals to the reader through their emotions and attraction to the woman. The saying "sex sells" is an example of pathos, because it describes the way the reader feels. This advertisement not only sells to its reader through the attractive woman, but also loose assumptions that this drink will make you "sexy" as well. By calling it a sexy drink, it makes the reader believe that it will make them sexy. The can is even displayed like a perfume bottle, further convincing the reader that their product is "sexy".

This advertisement simply communicates to the reader: "Pepsi makes you sexy, you should buy it." This is communicated through the woman, the perfume-like can of pepsi, and the words above it calling it a "sexy drink". This product isn't sold purely for taste, it is sold to people who care about their physical appearance, which this advertisement specifically entails to.

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