Thursday, July 7, 2011

About Myself:

My name is Dottie Grover, I am going into my second year and am currently an undeclared major. I am from Richmond, Virginia and have an older sister and a younger brother. I used to play field hockey and ride horses, but now I just run. I have loved animals since I was a child and even considered the AVS major at Clemson, but am still undecided. In the picture above I am on the right, and my best friend from high school, Janie, is with me. I have been friends with Janie since I was five years old and she is like family to me, but goes to school in Tennessee so I do not get to see her. I loved my first year at Clemson, and cannot wait to get back and for football season to start!

1 comment:

  1. I like animals too, Dottie! My first job was a veterinary assistant in high school. The doctor even let me help out with the surgeries! So nice to have you here.
