Thursday, July 21, 2011

Comparing Websites

The website above is called Blipdar, formerly known as Collegeacb. This website sucks because not only is it poorly organized, but it is also mean. This website is used to gossip and anonymously say hurtful things about fellow students, which does not exactly promote a happy campus. Many people are hurt by what is said on this site and only very rarely is something nice or helpful said in the messages it contains. This website sucks because it hurts so many people and is completely unnecessary, and it should be deactivated.

This website, free rice, is great because not only is it mentally stimulating and fun, but it benefits hungry children around the world. Also the design of the website is very pleasing, there is so much to like about this website. I first logged on for fun SAT review my sophomore year of high school, and it is incredibly addicting. This website is so much better than blipdar because it helps people who are hungry. People should spend their time on websites like this rather than gossip sites like blipdar.

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