Sunday, July 24, 2011

Exploring Richmond... From My Couch

Instead of physically taking a walk for this assignment... I have chosen to take a virtual one. Unable to remove myself from the couch without risking falling asleep in public due to my recent surgery, I decided to research the historic Monument Avenue from my couch. Monument avenue goes through the old part of downtown Richmond, and is lined with statues. I chose to write about the statue of Robert E Lee. Robert E Lee is known for commanding the Confederate army of Northern Virginia during the civil war, and for successfully commanding the Confederate army through battles such as the second battle of Bull Run and the battle of the Wilderness. The statue depicts Robert E Lee upon horseback on a large base, which puts him very high off the ground. The statue expresses Robert E Lee's importance by making him so high off the ground, because he was such an important war figure to Virginia and the rest of the south. The statue is also very old and weathered, which shows the history of this important monument. The statue expresses the rich history of Richmond, Virginia as well as the importance of the commander Robert E Lee.

1 comment:

  1. I like your gumption, Dottie. A virtual walk in light of your physical impediments! Nice work!
