Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thank You Harry!

I chose to write about a recent cover of Entertainment Weekly which depicts 11 year old Daniel Radcliffe on the cover. The cover corresponds to an article saying farewell to Harry after 8 movies. The words "Thank You Harry" make it clear that the article is a fond recap of what Harry has brought to the world in the past decade, which has been alot. Daniel Radcliffe states that "Harry Potter has given me everything, and I suspect it will continue to bring me much for years to come.", this is one example of the Harry Potter films touching people's lives, and as the cover suggests, he sure will be missed. The Harry Potter films greatly transformed from their origins, when first put on the producer's desk he thought it was "rubbish". However, the actors grew and developed, as did the films and the final Harry Potter that was released not even a week ago is its product. The cover shows Harry back in his 11 year old form to make people look back at the beginning, and say a final farewell to Harry.

Jensen, Jeff. "So Long, Harry." Entertainment Weekly 8 July 2011: n. pag. Print. 

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