Monday, July 18, 2011

Research Paper

For my research topic I wanted to evaluate the death penalty in our country. I personally believe that we should use the death penalty in our country. In addition to providing justice for what heinous crimes those criminals commit, it also prevents further crimes from happening. Criminals that would receive the death penalty are a danger to our country that need to be removed, and using the death penalty would permanently remove the threat which they pose to our society. Also the cost which supports prisoners for life sentences is wasted money that could be spent elsewhere. Prisoners that receive life sentences that could receive the death penalty take government money away from people who actually deserve it, and need it. With our debt increasing every day, it seems as though the death penalty is a great option to reduce government spending. There are many reasons why the death penalty should be used more frequently, it is a good way to seek justice and I will prove how it would benefit American society.

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