Saturday, July 9, 2011


The American Crocodile is a very large animal that habitates North America. Weighing in up to four-hundred and fifty pounds and measuring up to fifteen feet, crocodiles are pretty dangerous animals. Despite their feared reputation, Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures. Crocodiles are beautiful creatures, and their power only makes them more fascinating. 

The American Crocodile is a very large animal that habitates North America. Weighing in up to four-hundred and fifty pounds and measuring up to fifteen feet, crocodiles are dangerous and scary creatures. In addition to being a swimming hazard, Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures. Crocodiles are often in cartoons because they are so silly looking, and even portray evil characters in some. I think the way they walk is silly because their arms are so stubby, so in addition to being scary looking, they are also very ugly and silly.

1 comment:

  1. Dottie, I don't think that habitates is a word, but if it is, let me know because it's an interesting one. Very technical here. Nice.
