Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Writing Is *Not* Easy

Writing is a very difficult process for me, analyzing details is something that has never come natural to me expressed in a word document. For my most recent paper I first brainstormed what I would write about, then spent a day outlining and beginning my paper. I wrote three pages, which I then deleted because they were not very clear. To draw words out of me is a bit like pulling teeth, which I need a diet coke, classical music, and candy for. I need good college eats for a struggling college student, and a late night at the library. I consider myself somewhat of a night owl, especially when big assignments roll around. I've been known to spend two nights in the library at school a week when the work piles on, something about sunlight doesn't do it for me. I am also that girl at the library who will stare you down until you stop talking or ruffling your potato chip bag, and not be embarrassed about it. I need a spacious table with an available outlet to write, and also a big coffee for breaks. For every paper I write, I make about three different outlines and still have room for improvement. My writing tends to be very scattered, so outlining is a way I stay on task. The overdone outlining is my fault, but I blame the need of candy on my mother. When I was younger she used to break open a bag of skittles and quiz me for upcoming tests, and for the answers I got right I was rewarded with candy. From a young age I was taught that sugar and studying go together, although this is not necessarily a healthy habit. My house is crazy and loud, there is always something on, but somehow I usually manage to get over this and pull some teeth out, or write a paper.

1 comment:

  1. Cute title. Skittles for correct answers? Sounds perfect. I'm also totally a coffee person when it comes to writing.
